July 20-August 1, 2002


For those of you who are interested in reading about the hike I took with 5 fellow Yellowstone Loons to the Park's fabled Thorofare region, that trip is covered in chapters 5-10 and starts with "Into the Woods". Before and after that trip, however, I visited other areas of Yellowstone, including the Lamar Valley and the Upper Geyser Basin and had a variety of wonderful experiences.

The Thorofare trip was originally suggested by my friend Tim A. of Idaho Falls. I wanted to go for two reasons, first, because I had seen a series of compelling photos of the area taken by a woman I had never met who calls herself Lone Eagle Woman. She has traveled solo in the area for many years, sometimes staying as long as two months at a time. Her photos showed the mountains and meadows of the upper Yellowstone River and it looked like paradise. Second, I have hiked with Tim on several occasions he knows my limitations, so I felt completely comfortable. The trip's participants at one time numbered as many as 12 but people had to drop out for a variety of reasons. Tim did the majority of the planning, arranging and reservation-making and I owe him a huge debt of gratitude. On top of that he is a superb tent-mate, an unrivaled backwoods chef and a stalwart and helpful hiking companion. Oh, and he fixes a mean V&G. Hat's off to ya, Tim!

I also want to thank John Uhler, webmaster of the Total Yellowstone Page who brought us all together, and always, always, always, Doug Dance, nature photographer extraordinaire and all around good guy, who again has generously lent me webspace for these reports.


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